Are we in the midst of a beauty revolution?
As we all know, newspapers, magazines and TV are usually full of images of flawless, youthful and (often) retouched beauty. But lots of women want to see age-appropriate images: we’re not all desperately clinging onto youth and we see masses of benefits that age and experience can bring, including an inner confidence that we may not have felt, say, in our 20s. Fortunately, it seems we’re in the midst of a beauty revolution. Some of our most glamorous leading ladies – Dame Helen Mirren, Jane Fonda, Twiggy and Jerry Hall - are now the faces of major beauty brands such as L’Oreal, Chanel and Louis Vuitton, which seems to recognise the White Hot mantra that age and experience is a beautiful thing. However, none of these women have white or grey hair. Enter Jacky O’Shaughnessy - a 62 year old model with gorgeous long grey hair, who is now the face of American Apparel. Modelling lingerie, she looks amazing! Is this a sign that our culture is becoming less youth-obsessed? In such an image-conscious society, and one that is only getting older (50% of UK women are now aged 40 or over) we think it’s massively important for our younger women to recognise that age and experience is a positive thing. Hopefully this shift in our media culture will be a significant one, and will help establish the thought we’ve been having all along: that age really is just a number