Changing the story....
I have always said my hair ‘doesn’t grow’. I don’t really know that for sure. For the last 20 odd years, I have kept up with my regular trims and stuck with what I know…. A layered, textured short cut. Body and messiness (improved greatly by my beloved Shooshing Crème). I like it like that. However, I have always convinced myself it didn’t grow much past my earlobes but I actually didn’t know. Being forced to stay away from my lovely hairdresser has meant I have been largely leaving it to its own devices (except for the odd minor fringe snip with my dog Ted’s grooming scissors...) At first, I missed my hair’s shape and sharpness, but now…. I’m slightly fond of it. Now I’ve gone 3 months without a trim….maybe I can do another 3. Don’t get me wrong, I will be heading back to my hairdresser once she opens, but only for a small snip. I think I want to try and grow it. See what happens. Perhaps see if my silver story changes…. Maybe I’ll leave it another couple of months and then decide it isn’t for me. Whatever happens, I feel free to make the choice. There are always things we continue to do out of habit, whether that’s appointments, commitments or routines. During this time… most of them have been forcibly ditched. As we creep out of captivity and start to explore our ‘new normal’ (how many times have you heard that….), we need to remember the things we don’t miss, the things we do, the things we want to try and ultimately that we do have a choice to change our story. Find us on Facebook or Instagram or drop us an email at customercare@whitehothair.co.uk with anything you need. Product advice, top tips or just a chat... we love to hear from you, see your selfies, stories and White Hot faves. Join the conversation or start one….the community is blooming!
Take care, Jayne Founder - White Hot
*Photo by Javier Allegue Barros