How to : AIR DRY
If you’ve been with us for a while you will know that we are big cheerleaders of air-drying your hair. Leaving it to do its natural thing, no heat involved. But how? Today, I wanted to give a guide to getting started on your journey to damage-free styling.
1. It starts in the shower Hydration is absolutely essential when it comes to leaving your hair to dry naturally and making sure to use a gentle shampoo with nourishing ingredients such as Gloss Bar (with de-tangling marshmallow root extract and coconut oil) and follow with hydrating, rich Luminous Conditioner to reduce frizz.
2. Finish with cold water A tip we recently discovered was to finish your hair wash with a colder blast of water. This can help your cuticle to lay more smoothly and therefore seal in moisture.
3. Don’t rub your hair too roughly with a towel This increases frizz, friction and tangles, not setting the scene for a smooth drying experience. Gently squeeze your hair in the towel after drying, rather than twisting up or being too vigorous.
4. Continuing with the gentle theme Use a wide toothed comb to smooth through any knots and even apply a few drops of Lifeshine Oil as you do it, to aid the de-tangling process, boost shine and tame any flyways.
5. For naturally wavy or curly hair Apply a few generous foamy pumps of Infinity Mousse from mid-ends to refine and define curls, de-frizz and add beautiful bounce.
6. For boosting volume at the root Add a touch of Shooshing Crème to oomph things up. You could also twist curls into the desired style and finish with scrunching in Lifeshine Oil to set your style.
7. If you fancy experimenting Loosely tie your hair in braids or plaits to create subtle waves as your hair dries. Or perhaps gently twist your hair up into a clip when it is most damp to create more movement.
8. If you struggle with ends that flick out or need taming Continue to shape your hair as you like it to fall, as it dries. Comb out the ends, tuck your hair behind your ears or look to find some ‘no bend clips’ that don’t leave kinks or dents to pin your hair away from your face.
We’re still looking for ways to tame fringes without the use of straighteners or blow-dryers, but I hope this helps you begin.
Want to talk products or have any tips of your own? As always reach us on Facebook or Instagram with anything you need, or drop us an email to customercare@whitehothair.co.uk if you prefer to chat there. Keep on sending your silver selfies, we LOVE to share our customers in our social media ads and posts. You are our greatest inspiration.
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