How to pick your perfect duo
How to pick your pair We have 11 fantastic duos. Yes, 11! Perhaps you know your go-to, you’re loyal to one pair and one pair only, maybe you love to combine a couple of different duos, or you might just be struggling to make up your mind. One thing’s for sure, the products in each pair are fantastic to mix and match depending on what your hair needs and wants.
Today, I thought it might help to have a little re-cap.
Shine and nourishment?
Reach for Shine Duo or Luminous Gloss Duo
Brightening and boosting?
Intense Gloss Duo, Brighten Duo or Intense Brighten Duo
A spot of indulgence?
Pamper Pair
Everyday routine?
Cleanse Duo
Boost and Shoosh Duo or Shorter Hair Shoosh Duo
Longer Hair Lifeshine Duo
Oomph AND shine?
Our newest styling combo…Shoosh and Shine Duo
Whatever you’re looking for, we’ve got you and your silver covered. Need some help deciding?
Want some advice for gifting a friend? Reach out on Facebook or Instagram or send us an email at customercare@whitehothair.co.uk and we’ll be happy to help. Keep sending your silver selfies too, we love to see them and love to share our customers on our social pages even more...!
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