Love is complicated
I love my grey hair. Honest. I do. I’ve embraced it totally. I love the silver colour scheme a million times more than my faux orangey brown. I’m free from the tyranny of the dye cycle, the few days when it was ‘just right’ amidst the days when it was too dark or looking a little glinty (and not in a good way). I feel fresher, more free and sometimes surprisingly youthful when I forget everything I’ve ever been told about the need to conceal, cover and altogether paint over the silver strands. When all is well and I’m feeling fit, healthy and vital, I rarely give it a second thought. It’s my hair (and now it’s my business too) but I wouldn’t be honest if I didn’t say that there are days when I come face to face with myself in the mirror and think… ‘Aaaargh, it’s the crypt keeper!’ (with thanks to one of my favourite films ‘Freaky Friday’, with Jamie Lee Curtis and Lindsay Lohan). Ok. I’m not a turn-coat, I’ll never go back to my Macca brown tint, but life throws things at you that knock your stuffing out, make you tired, stressed and well, more than a little weary. As a relatively recent widow I can vouch for the ‘grey all over’ feeling that makes you crave a makeover to restore a little colour into your life and without a bit of care and attention, my grey hair can feel a little, well, grey. So what’s the answer? Firstly, of course, it’s using White Hot to both bring out the best in my silver hair (for me it’s Glorious and Shooshing Creme) and to boost my mood with our spirit of ‘game on’ rather than ‘game over’. Then it’s makeup, bronzer all year round, a rosy pink lipstick (today it’s Chanel No45) a lavish spritz of Jo Malone Wood Sage and Sea Salt and off I go. In truth, I am gloriously grey and happy with it. I’m 60 this year and I know that ‘grey days’ happen to us all whether we’re blonde, brunette or ‘Mahogany Conker’. And guess what? Lifting ourselves out of it has precious little to do with the colour of what’s on our heads. So if you’re grey, loud, proud, loving it and just occasionally not quite so sure, join the club. Jayne Sign up to our newsletter for 10% off your first order here.