Natural waves? Blow dry? Smooth style?
At the moment, I’m loving letting my hair do its natural thing. Some days are curlier than others. Some days feel smoother than others. Some days I simply just want to tie it up (unheard of before I grew out my choppy crop!). One thing I’m particularly loving, is that with our styling products Shooshing Crème and Lifeshine Oil, no matter how I fancy doing my hair from day to day, I’m sorted. Whether it feels a little more tangled post wash or dryer towards the end of the day and I need a revival, I’ve got it covered.
If I’m going for a curly, loose waves kind of look, I tend to towel dry it a little post-wash, then scrunch a small amount of Shoosh into my hair (of course following our *less is more* mantra). Then I add a few drops of Lifeshine once it’s almost dry to add gloss and definition to my curls. Then I let it do its thing. I actually love that each day it looks different!
If I fancy a slightly smoother look, but still want to leave it to air dry, I tend to leave the Shooshing Crème out of the routine and use a wide toothed comb to smooth a few drops of Lifeshine Oil through damp hair.
If I’m feeling a blow dry style, I’ll again scrunch a little bit of Shoosh into my damp roots and then apply a touch of Lifeshine before blow drying. I try to leave my hair to dry a bit on its own before using heat and then maybe even use my wide toothed comb again to apply a final drop of Lifeshine Oil after drying.
If I’m not washing my hair and need a bit of a revival, I either use a dash of Lifeshine Oil to add shine and nourishment, plus tame any frizz or if my silver needs a boost, I’ll apply some Shooshing Crème for added volume and lift. Maybe even both if I fancy it!
How do you style your silver? Are you a Lifeshine and Shoosh lover? Do you just use one? Reach out with any questions on Facebook or Instagram or send us an email to customercare@whitehothair.co.uk and we would be happy to help.