Silver Soak....Keep it HYDRATED
In the UK the weather overall has been lovely for the last few weeks. Seeing a blue sky definitely helps the days feel brighter. I hope you’ve all been managing to enjoy the sunshine, whether that’s on your daily walk or in your gardens... I’ve found it to be a real booster.
Despite the loveliness of a sunny day, it may have a drying, yellowing effect on your grey. And as we need all the sunshine boosting we can get, here are a few silver soak hydration tips that you can do at home. Firstly, don’t forget your conditioner. Maybe you don’t need one every day, but adding our Luminous Conditioner into your routine will help your strands feel hydrated, nourished and silky smooth after a day in the sunshine. Is your hair feeling really parched? Perhaps a deep-hydrating mask is what you need. Our Intense Lustre Mask will boost your silver as you soak, as it has a gentle violet formula to reduce brassy tones while bringing moisture, bounce and strength. Also, you might want to try coconut oil as an overnight, natural hydrating mask too. For an extra finishing touch, add a few drops of our Lifeshine Oil to smooth, nourish and tame your grey post-wash or as a fragrant revival for dry hair. Softer, shinier silver, with a high-gloss finish. Try both Intense Lustre Mask & Lifeshine Oil separately or together as our Pamper Pair. If you’re struggling with some sunshine-induced yellowing, add our Brilliant Shampoo to your routine, a gentle violet formula…. perhaps adding a bit onto your roots a few minutes before you get in the shower for a super-charged boost every few washes. As the weather gets warmer, we’ll all no doubt be soaking up the joy of the outdoors as much as we can, so once you’re back inside, just make sure you’re soaking your silver too. Need any tips, advice or just fancy a chat? We love to hear from you, so just send us an email at customercare@whitehothair.co.Jayne
Founder - White Hot