Thumbs up to adventuring!
Celebrating an appetite for adventure at whatever age you are, Hilary Bradt’s latest book ‘To Oldly Go’ is a collection of 41 short stories about unusual and thrilling travel escapades of the over 60s. Bradt who is still hitch-hiking in her 70s remarks that 'To Oldly Go', is a celebration of the silver traveller, and within its pages are tales that will turn your hair grey too.” In this thought-provoking and heart-warming book, Hilary's tale talks about her love of hitch-hiking and taking the road less travelled: “...“As I continued to seek the occasional lift in my forties and fifties, the drivers must have got a nasty shock when they stopped and realised that this hitch-hiker was getting on in years. But it was only when I started travelling with Janice, who is two years older than me and has white hair, that I discovered the advantage of flaunting, rather than concealing, your age.” Whether it’s throwing caution to the wind and hitch-hiking, or embracing your natural grey and white hair, Hilary gives it a big ‘thumbs up’. Her enthusiastic approach to life is truly inspiring – and contagious. Regardless of our age, she dares us to be different and reminds us that we’re never too old to embrace life and its adventures. To discover more of this collection of travelling adventures, you can buy the book on Amazon. Or if you would like to WIN ‘To Oldly Go’, all you have to do is 'like' and 'share' our Facebook post about To Oldly Go. You can find it here The winner will be picked at random and announced on Friday 27th November at 9 am, so simply visit our Facebook page and like and share the To Oldly Go post to enter!