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Article: 3 up do's for the Christmas party

3 up do's for the Christmas party

3 up do's for the Christmas party

If you have longer hair and fancy trying something different for any of your Christmas celebrations (or any party for that matter), why not try one of these three looks. Watch the video and/or follow the written instructions below.

Have a look at our 3 up do's for the Christmas Party:


1. The high wrap-around ponytail

[caption id=attachment_2070 align=alignnone width=625]1ST Beautifully casual: The high wrap-around ponytail[/caption] Difficulty level: Easier Link:
  1. Take the front section of your hair and pin it at the crown. Don't scrape it, keep it slightly loose. This will give the front section a little volume; spray with hairspray to hold
  2. Scoop the rest of the hair into a ponytail, joining the front section of your hair to the rest of your hair - secure with a hairband and pull this slightly tighter
  3. Take a small section of the longest bit of your hair and wrap it around the bobble. Pin the hair to the ponytail, making sure you push the pins down into the ponytail so they are hidden but are very secure. Depending on your hair type you may be able to get away with only using two pins, top and bottom, but the more you use the more secure it will be. You can use normal hair grips but fine bobbin pins are slightly wider so you may need fewer of these. Spray the hair around the ponytail for and extra hold and to prevent loose strands coming out of the grip
  4. To smooth the ponytail, use Lifeshine Oil - rub a couple of drops into your palms and smooth through the ponytail - it can also work on any wispy side bits too
  5. Spray into place for a final finish and hold, but if you prefer the more relaxed look then this may not be necessary

2. French pleat

[caption id=attachment_2079 align=alignnone width=625]2ND Timeless chic: French pleat[/caption] Difficulty level: Medium Link:
  1. If you have a fringe, brush that forward. Then take sections of the top of your hair, backcomb and spray from underneath at the roots with hairspray to give volume. Work around the whole head doing this - use crocodile clips to help keep the top sections out of the way, as you move down the back of the head.
  2. Using a comb sweep the hair to one side to get a smooth look. Pin the hair flat against the head using pins vertically. Cross the pins slightly for better hold. Spray.
  3. Take the volume of hair, use a comb to lightly smooth it and then roll it over on itself to cover the layer of pins. Tuck in the ends at the top and hold in place while you pin in place with the other hand. Fine Bobby pins can be used to give additional support if you need it.
  4. Use your fingertips to smooth the sides - use a little Lifeshine Oil to help and then spray. If you feel like the whorl at the top isn't as perfect as you'd like, it’s easy to hide with an accessory.

3. Slouchy braid bun

[caption id=attachment_2082 align=alignnone width=625]3RD Something special: Slouchy braid bun[/caption] Difficulty level: Bit fiddly! Link:
  1. If you have very straight hair, it is easier if you first give your hair a little bit of volume and curl to the ends, using tongs
  2. Take a section from the crown and make into three strands - cross each side over the middle piece to start a plait. As you do each crossover add in sections from the side, which is how you create a French plait. Once you reach the base of the head, secure with a band and then use your fingers to loosen the plait slightly
  3. To make the bun, take the ponytail and twist it around the band, as if you were tying it into a knot. Tuck the end of the ponytail in the bottom and then pin to secure. If bits of hair escape then this does not matter as it is not meant to look too neat. Keep adding pins until you feel it is secure and spray with hairspray if you feel it needs an extra hold. You could centralise the bun or do it to the side, depending on how you feel

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