Article: Story of the Month - Rhian

Story of the Month - Rhian
At White Hot, we love hearing your journeys to grey, your experience ditching the dye, lessons learned, top tips and your favourite routines. It's our second story of the month! Here's Rhian.
'I ditched the dye 3 years ago. All through COVID I was still covering the grey because I was terrified of what I would look like. Something clicked. I didn't even know what colour I would actually find. It's tough when you let the first few months go by and you have that stripe. The moment I could actually see what was emerging I started to get excited.
I refused to cut the old colour off or blend (no more colour meant no more colour). I found ways of wearing my long hair to enhance what I had, scarfs, plaits wearing a high top bun. It becomes liberating and I loved what I could see. My complexion warmed up and felt wonderful.
To me the biggest learning is it’s more than just hair, but a testament to self-love and a celebration of getting older.
I was even a matron of honour for my best friends wedding. Oldest bridesmaid in town!'
Beautiful words, beautiful liberation! Share your story with us on Facebook or via email at .