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Article: How are you #LettingLoose ?

How are you #LettingLoose ?

How are you #LettingLoose ?

For us, 2025 is about allowing ourselves to be who we really are. Celebrating the things that make us different, the ways we are the same, the gift of living and ageing. We’re not the hair dye police. There are enough ways that we are criticised, compared and challenged, without jumping to judge the choices others make when it comes to their hair.

At White Hot, we celebrate choice. We celebrate the act of moving towards what feels best and right for you. Whatever that looks like. Ditching the dye can still often be labelled as ‘letting yourself go’. This negativity seeps into our minds, whether we notice or not.

So this February, we started the #LettingLoose campaign on our social media pages. You may have seen us mention it. We’re letting loose, not letting go. We’re championing vibrant, energetic, positive lives that free us from the shackles of expectation, stereotypes and ‘anti’ ageing…and we want you to invite you to join us.

How are you #LettingLoose this year?

Share selfies, stories, positivity and support - we would love to re-post them with our community. We want to be louder than the noise, proud to age in whatever way we want and by doing that…truly letting ourselves go, by letting loose.

Take a look at my video on our Facebook page, add your own selfie, join the movement.

We want to hear your story! Reach out on Facebook or Instagram or send a note to and as always, if you want to talk products, you can find us there too.

White Hot Founder

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